Co-location guide

Co-locating on State-owned Telecommunications Radio sites in Victoria.

The State of Victoria owns a number of sought-after telecommunication sites across Victoria, Australia.

Since 2012, Triple Zero Victoria (formerly ESTA) manages these sites on behalf of the State of Victoria.

Anyone interested in becoming a tenant of one or more of these sites should contact Triple Zero Victoria:


Triple Zero Victoria employs a 6-level process for managing all changes and additions. 

A diagram showing 6 levels of the co-location process, moving from level 1 at the top down to level 6 at the bottom.

Level 1 – Request for initial assessment

Triple Zero Victoria will provide you with all necessary application forms and provide you a point of contact who can guide you through the requirements for submitting the application.

Triple Zero Victoria will conduct a feasibility analysis of your application including but not limited to:

  • ground space availability
  • tower space availability
  • power supply availability
  • radio frequency interference studies.

Level 2 – Detailed design

Once Level 1 has been approved, applicants who wish to progress with the co-location process should prepare their detailed design and submit for Triple Zero Victoria’s review and approval. No on-site work can commence at this stage.

Level 3 – Commercial contract

Once Level 2 has been accepted and approved, Triple Zero Victoria will determine the Schedule of Rates based on the agreed Level 2 submission. You are now ready to discuss license terms with Triple Zero Victoria which will be captured into a legally binding License Agreement.

Level 4 – Facility access


It is important that you obtain insurance for your equipment installation prior to construction. Your insurance must remain in effect throughout the duration of the Site Agreement. This protects both the underlying landowner and respective facility owner(s). The specific requirements are detailed in the License Agreement.

Notice to proceed

You will be required to submit the following documents to obtain permits (if required):

  • Public Liability insurance details
  • executed License Agreement
  • general contractor information
  • relevant OHS&E information (SWMS, JSA, MOP, etc.)
  • evidence of personnel qualifications for any structural, electrical and environmental works performed.

Triple Zero Victoria will then provide you with approval to proceed with your installation on site.

License commencement

Depending on the terms of the agreement, the license commences and you start paying rent to the State. The commencement date is typically within 30 days of execution or the date you install your equipment.

Level 5 – Build completion and inspection

Upon your advice of build completion, Triple Zero Victoria will arrange for a joint site inspection to verify installation according to the approved Level 2 design. You agree to work with Triple Zero Victoria and rectify non-conformances or variations to the drawings and Licence Agreement promptly.

You will be required to submit all agreed documentation and specifications for equipment as installed.

Triple Zero Victoria will update all legislated site records (RCSMB, etc.) upon receipt of your documentation.

Level 6 – Ongoing operations and maintenance

You now enter into normal operation of your installation and maintain all requirements in the License Agreement ensuring the site is secure by following all procedures provided in Level 4 – Facility Access.


Be aware that during this process, in some circumstances, progression to the next level could lead to the possibility of additional fees (or cost recovery) being applied.

For example:

  • Level 2 may involve a technical consultant’s assessment
  • Level 3 may involve legal consultation.
